The Kwozzies

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The House of "Fox"

The kids have chicken pox or "chicken fox" as Saskia calls it.

Far out, Josh got up on Saturday covered from head to toe. I went into panic mode as we are flying in 10 days!

Of course then we really got anxious to see what would happen with Saskia. based on the standard incubation period she could have broken out on P Day, commonly know as Party Day, what a disaster in the making.

The next day she got up covered in spots too so while it isn't good they are unwell, it is fantastic that it will all be done by the time we need to board the plane.

Next poor old Aunty Sue came down with the "fox". We just can't fugure where the 3 of them could have got it at the same time. Oh well, nothing we can do about it now. Sue has a terrible case of it which is usually what happens when you get it as an adult.

Just hoping these nasty little "chicken fox" clear up fast.

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2006

Christmas has become such a special time for us since having the children. A time of family, friends and good food.

This year was beautiful, the kids had a ball and there was none of the end of year stress that can creep in.

We had a fab brunch at home with Richards parents, Sue and some friends from school, Kay and Nicholas.

Josh was up way too early and Saskia slept till 8am :)

This year we got no toys that need batteries, we are so over charging batteries. As a combined gift the kids got an ice cream maker and it is a big hit. What a great treat for them and at least we know exactly what is in it. So far we have made plain and some hokey pokey, yum.

Rich just took the stat. days off as he has no leave owing and of course we are going to Melb for 10 days soon.

I plan on taking it easy for the school holidays, maybe some day trips but mainly we will be home bods. It is nice to do nothing!

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Rowe Family

Well as usual it all comes around too fast. If anyone knows how to slow things down then let me know.

We wish you all the very best for the Holiday Season and hope that 2007 brings everyone all they desire.

Paula, Richard, Joshua and Saskia